
Resolution on Attack on Democracy in West Bengal Featured

Those who have been following the developments in West Bengal will be familiar with the targeting of and attacks on democratic activists, youth and student workers.

Since the Trinamool Congress Party came into power after its victory in the Assembly Election in 2011, West Bengal has been passing through a phase of complete anarchy. The ruling TMC party gave the Slogan “ Badla nahi, Badal chaihey”(no revenge, only change), but in reality they have unleashed a reign of terror . The change (Badal) that has come over the people of West Bengal was not intended for doing anything good but for taking revenge upon those who do not subscribe to the right wing ideology of ruling TMC. The ruling government first exercised its autocratic power by banning the widely circulated newspapers in all govt aided libraries and compelled the young library members to read the pro-government newspapers. The freedom of the press has been terribly curtailed on numerous occasions. Photographers of various news papers and reporters were mercilessly beaten during the Assembly, parliamentary and Municipality elections. Booths were captured and the opposition agents, especially the agents of Left and different democratic parties were driven out of the booths. The police stood as spectators when the voters were denied their fundamental right to cast votes. Hundreds and thousands of Left activists and supporters were beaten severely, thrown out of their homes. More than two hundred martyrs laid down their lives during last six years. DYFI comrades Arun Sardar,Firoj Dafadar and many other comrades were brutally killed by TMC hooligans. DYFI comrades of West Bengal were beaten up for collecting membership subscriptions.  There is no doubt that democracy has been trampled upon by the present government in power. Thousands of activists and supporters of Left Democratic movement have been imprisoned in false cases. Crores of rupees have been forcibly collected from Left activists and supporters. In short, West Bengal is being governed by a party of Fascistic outlook and tactics which is out to destroy democratic rights of people in the state.

All areas of public life are in complete disorder in West Bengal. Education is one of the biggest victims of TMC’s misrule. Schools, colleges and universities have become sites is violence where the anti-socials supported by the ruling TMC flout all rules to establish the absolute control of the ruling party.  Activists and supporters of SFI and all other left student organisations are tortured for demanding free and fair student elections in colleges and universities. Sudipta Gupta, and Saifuddin Mollah , the two SFI leaders were killed for raising voice against autocracy . 

Health services are miserable both in state managed Hospitals and in the health centres in rural areas.  Atrocities against women have become rampant and Bengal has become unsafe for women of any age. Everyday incidents of molestation and rape are taking place and the main culprits are TMC party workers and hooligans sheltered by them. However, the state government remains silent spectator to this menace. 4

Employment has miserably gone down in #West #Bengal. Factories are getting closed one after another. Prices of all commodities are increasing rapidly. Ruling TMC party has not yet taken any measures to address these issues. On the contrary the leaders of the ruling party are involved in all sorts of corrupt practices. They have shown complete disregard to public welfare and have tried to appease a certain section of the masses by sharing some of the spoils of the huge loot that has been taking place in Bengal. From teachers’ recruitment to 100 days’ work TMC leaders are extracting money from all who want to get a job.  The attack on people’s democratic rights is carried out to stop them from raising any voice against this misrule. TMC has systematically engineered the lumpenization of a section of both rural and urban youth to use them as their henchmen who will resort to all sorts of arm-twisting tactics to maintain the ruling party’s hold on power. Fight for democracy in West Bengal is inseparable from the fight for a decent life which has been ensured by the erstwhile Left Front government.

The 10th All India Conference of DYFI takes pledge to fight the perpetrators of crime and corruption in Bengal and save Bengal from the clutches of forces like #TMC and #BJP. We have to fight hard to bring back order in West Bengal that has been a formidable centre of Left and democratic movement in India. We will overcome all the obstacles through our constant vigilance and fight against the anti-people policies of the state government which has ruined the democratic rights of the people of West Bengal.

The resolution is adopted unanimously by 10th All India Conference of DYFI

Comments on Post (4)

  • Mason Gray
    • Posted: 09 July, 2019 at 2:37 pm
    • reply

    Many communities in the disease zones have inadequate sanitation that allow frequent trash piles and open sewers to serve as mosquito breeding and feeding grounds, according to the final outcome statement from the Aedes aegypti summit last month.

    • Johny Elite
      • Posted: 09 July, 2019 at 2:37 pm
      • reply

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam viverra euismod odio, gravida pellentesque urna varius vitae, gravida pellentesque urna varius vitae.

    • Rog Kelly
      • Posted: 09 July, 2019 at 2:37 pm
      • reply

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam viverra euismod odio, gravida pellentesque urna varius vitae, gravida pellentesque urna varius vitae.

  • James Warson
    • Posted: 09 July, 2019 at 2:37 pm
    • reply

    Many communities in the disease zones have inadequate sanitation that allow frequent trash piles and open sewers to serve as mosquito breeding and feeding grounds.

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