Aims & Objectives
- The DYFI declares its intention to build a broad based strong and united youth movement in India, embracing every young man and woman who is pledged to fight for the uplift and betterment of our youth as a whole. It is fully aware of the fact that the younger generation is an integral part of our society and their upliftment and betterment in the final analysis, is dependent on and determined by the all round development of our country, especially of the toiling sections, who constitute the overwhelming majority of our people.
- The DYFI is committed to fight for accomplishing the basic demand of the Indian youth; "Jobs for all, Education for all". It pledges to organise and conduct struggle against the menace of unemployment and to fight for employment or unemployment allowance till employment and to conduct propaganda and agitation for the inclusion of the 'Right to work' as a fundamental right under the Indian Constitution.
- The DYFI will identify the various problems concerning youth and take proper and timely decisions and steps to resolve them.
- The DYFI pledges to fight for the full democratic rights of the youth, both men and women; it stands for the uncurtailed right to democratic and independent expression and behaviour; and the right to form assemblies and associations of youth.
- It works for the right of youth to participate in the activities of public bodies through the representatives of the organised youth.
- It is committed to organise and mobilise youth to fight against the forces of authoritarianism and dictatorship, and in defense of the democratic rights and freedom of our people.
- The DYFI takes up and highlights the issues and problems concerning the youth, especially in the field of education, culture and sports. It makes sustained efforts to inculcate among the youth, advanced, democratic and progressive social, cultural and moral values, and to fight against all manifestations of backward and decadent culture and obscurantist and outmoded outlooks. It should not compromise with apolitical slogans and obnoxious culture stimulated by the imperialist globalisation.
- It seeks to organise cultural and sports activities through clubs, gymnasiums, akharas, libraries, literary and cultural societies and to conduct debates, discussions, seminars, symposiums and cultural programmes. It encourages the maximum youth participation in sports, literary and cultural activities through organising tournaments and competitions and seeks the formulation of a national youth policy.
- It fights for the establishment of a scientific and democratic education system which will be easily accessible for all and for the introduction of universal free and compulsory education up to the secondary stage. To fight illiteracy it seeks to initiate night schools and adult education camps and other literacy programmes.
- It strives to inculcate among the younger generation a sense of responsibility and secular and democratic consciousness as citizens of the multinational Indian union, so that they can fight against every manifestation of discrimination, deprivation and oppression based on race, sex, caste, religion, language and region and to work for communal harmony, secularism, democracy, national integrity, social justice and human dignity. DYFI pledges to safeguard India's secular character and national unity and defend human rights. It is determined to safeguard the rights of dalits, minorities, tribal people and other deprived sections.
- The DYFI seeks to initiate and conduct a sustained campaign against the evils of untouchability, dowry system, child marriage, religious superstition, corruption in public life and other such evils that are plaguing our society. The DYFI shall work for the provision of special facilities for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, other backward and economically backward classes, and for physically challenged in jobs and education in the public as well as in the private sector.
- The DYFI is pledged to defend our country's sovereignty from the onslaught of imperialist globalisation. It is committed to take part in the struggles for the liquidation of all forms of colonialism and neo-colonialism and to struggle against the stranglehold of monopoly capitalism and feudal and semi feudal landlordism over our national economy, and thus pave the way for the establishment of a peoples democracy and a socialist order of society.
- The DYFI always takes active leadership and participation in relief and rehabilitation programmes during natural calamities, accidents, violence and epidemics and mobilises and co-operates with all other organisations for relief and rehabilitation work. It always encourages social services to help the needy sections.
- The DYFI fights for the removal of social inequalities and discrimination against women, who are exploited at different levels, in the household, as workers and as citizens.
- The DYFI expresses its determination for the protection of the environment. It advocates for sustainable development, which should take into account the necessity of maintaining the ecological balance.
- It expresses its strong desire and works for the establishment of fraternal and cordial relations with other youth organisations in our country which stand for secularism, democracy and social advance and expresses its readiness to have united action with other youth organisations on commonly agreed issues and demands.
- The youth as an integral part of the society shall extend its solidarity to all the democratic struggles of the workers, peasants, middle class and other progressive strata and individuals and it seeks the co-operation and support of all other democratic forces for the cause of youth and their struggles. It eagerly joins hands with all the struggles against destructive imperialism, marauding multinational corporations, Indian monopoly capital and feudal and semi feudal landlordism. It calls for a stiff fight against denationalisation, disinvestment of national assets, introduction of inhuman laws and abandoning of social security measures resulting from imperialist globalisation. It will strongly support the agitation for the carrying out of radical land reforms assuring land to the tiller.
- The DYFI makes sustained efforts to imbibe and spread the ideas of anti-imperialism, independence, democracy, socialism, peace, secularism and equitable economic development. It extends its solidarity and support to all forces fighting for national liberation protecting the sovereignty of independent states, democracy, peace and socialism and against the forces of war and aggression.
- It strives to establish fraternal contacts and co-operation with all the youth organisations of the world which subscribe to the anti-imperialist, anti-apartheid, national liberation and peace struggles, movements and their ideals.
Comments on Post (4)
Mason Gray
Many communities in the disease zones have inadequate sanitation that allow frequent trash piles and open sewers to serve as mosquito breeding and feeding grounds, according to the final outcome statement from the Aedes aegypti summit last month.
Johny Elite
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam viverra euismod odio, gravida pellentesque urna varius vitae, gravida pellentesque urna varius vitae.
Rog Kelly
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam viverra euismod odio, gravida pellentesque urna varius vitae, gravida pellentesque urna varius vitae.
James Warson
Many communities in the disease zones have inadequate sanitation that allow frequent trash piles and open sewers to serve as mosquito breeding and feeding grounds.